Tuesday, June 28, 2011

" We lost the game but won everything else"

So this semester I was able to have the opportunity to coach a girls basketball team at BYU-Idaho. At first I wasn't too excited because I didn't think I had enough time to coach, but it was one of the best things I have ever done. We by far had the BEST team in the league!!! We had the funnest girls on our team, not to mention the most talented as well! I was also lucky enough to coach with two of my fellow teammates and two of my best friends, Andy and Chalyse! We could not have had a better season! We made it to the championship game but lost by six, but as a team we agreed that we gained so much more than we ever could have by winning that last game. I stole my title from one of the girls on our team,"We lost the game but won everything else" I couldn't have said it better myself. So many great friendships were formed and strengthened from this season, something that any win could not have done! I love these girls!!!!!


Every girl needs a girls night every once in a while and I am lucky enough to get to have girls nights with theses two girlies!!! We had a night full of fun and laughter!! We went to dinner at Gringos and after that we couldn't decide what we wanted to do so we went to the park to people watch...while we were there we saw a couple getting ready to finger paint when we had the idea to fill balloons with paint and throw darts at them!! It was so much fun, here are some pictures from our night!

 Eating dinner at Gringos!!!!
           Yes we were wearing garbage bags to protect our clothes!
         Filling the balloons with paint... worst part of the project!

                      We are so excited to get started!!!

                                      Final result!!!!